Elections of Student Representatives to the Pedagogical Council: GT DIURNO, GT PL, GLAT PL AND PAR PL


Please be advised that on March 3, 2020, elections will be held for the election of student representatives to the School's Pedagogical Council. The electoral process will begin on February 10, 2020, and nominations must be submitted by February 18, 2020. All the information about the process is published on the ESHTE website, in the tab dedicated to the Pedagogical Council, and posted in the usual places, and has also been sent via email.


The Pedagogical Council is made up of teachers and students from the 1st cycle, daytime and after-school courses, and is responsible for pedagogical guidelines, teaching and assessment methods, complaints about pedagogical failings, and regulations for assessing student performance, among other things.


You can find out more at http://www.eshte.pt/pt/artigos/orgaos-da-eshte/conselho-pedagogico. Any questions or queries should be addressed to cons.pedagogico.presidente@eshte.pt.